
shahr-lut Free man, Strong.


Charlotte is a female given name and is of French origin. It means free man, Strong. Pronounced as shahr-lut, the name is currently in the top 10 of NameChef Most Popular Baby Names and in the top 10 of U.S birth chart of the year 2022.

Charlotte is the feminine variation of Charles. This royal name was popularized by England's Queen Charlotte Sophia, wife of King George III. Classic and sophisticated, it becomes a very likeable choice for a lot of parents, not to mention the celebrities. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze, Jr., have a daughter named Charlotte Grace Prinze, born in 2009. Actress Rachael Leigh Cook's daughter, Charlotte Easton Gillies, was born in 2013. The royal baby, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, born in 2015, is the second child and only daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Here are some potential nicknames for Charlotte: Charlie, Char, Chaz, Harlie. See below for more.




Charlotte is a girl's name.

Common Nicknames

Arlot, Char, Charlie, Chaz, Harlie, Lola, Lottie


shahr-lut (Listen)



The rank of Charlotte in the United States over time

Source: Social Security Administration

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