Chinese-English Name Translation for Taiwan Passport

Please enter your Chinese name below. The system will convert the name you entered into the English name used in the Taiwan passport. The system supports Hanyu Pinyin, Tongyong Pinyin, Wade-Giles, Guoyin Second Style Pinyin and Yale Pinyin.

Taiwan passports generally put the surname in the front and the first name in the back, and a comma will be added after the surname to distinguish the surname and the first name. The Chinese-English translation system for foreign names on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website recommends that you add hyphens in the middle of the syllables of the names so that the name can be broken. We do not recommended to write in this way. The government, banks, airlines, driver's licenses, schools and other systems of English-speaking countries do not accept dash (-). We suggested to remove the dash and connect the two words directly. 

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