Names start with Ef

Efim, Efrain, Efrem, Efren are some of the boy names starting with Ef. Below is the list of boy names starting with Ef. Click the name to see the details.

Efim잘 알려져 있습니다
Efrain매우 유익합니다
Efrem매우 유익합니다

See full list of names start with E

Effie, Effimia, Efharis, Efrat, Efthymia are some of the girl names starting with Ef. Below is the list of girl names starting with Ef. Click the name to see the details.

Effie잘 어울립니다
Effimia좋은 징조의 말
Efharis좋은 은혜
Efrat이스라엘 장소 이름
Efthymia관대하고 행복합니다

See full list of names start with E

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