Names start with Gw

Gwalbert, Gwalchmai, Gwaltney, Gwenael, Gwern, Gwidon, Gwilym, Gwydion, Gwyn are some of the boy names starting with Gw. Below is the list of boy names starting with Gw. Click the name to see the details.

Gwalbert밝고 화려한 통치자
Gwalchmai5 월의 호크
Gwaltney평원의 매
Gwenael축복 받고 관대합니다
Gwidon숲의 사람
Gwilym금박 헬멧으로
Gwydion마법의 신
Gwyn공정하고 백인, 축복

See full list of names start with G

Gwawr, Gwen, Gwenaelle, Gwendolyn, Gwenhwyfar, Gwenifer, Gwenllian, Gwennan, Gwenno, Gwladus are some of the girl names starting with Gw. Below is the list of girl names starting with Gw. Click the name to see the details.

Gwen공정하고 순수하며 축복받은, 거룩합니다
Gwenaelle축복 받고 관대합니다
Gwendolyn공정하고 축복받은 반지
Gwenhwyfar흰 파, 흰색 그림자
Gwenifer흰 파, 흰색 그림자
Gwenllian공정하고 축복
Gwennan축복 받은
Gwyneth축복 받고 행복합니다

See full list of names start with G

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