There's A Hole In My Bucket Lyrics


There's a hole in my bucket
Dear Liza, dear Liza
Mend the hole then dear Willie
You silly mend it

With what shall I mend it
Dear Liza, dear Liza
With a straw then dear Willy
You silly with a straw

But the straw is too long
Dear Liza, dear Liza
Cut the straw then dear Willie
You silly cut the straw

With what shall I cut it
Dear Liza, dear Liza
With a knife then dear Willie
You silly with a knife

But the knife is too dull
Dear Liza, dear Liza
Whet the knife then dear Willie
You silly whet the knife

With what will I whet it
Dear Liza, dear Liza
With a stone then dear Willie
You silly with a stone

But the stone is too rough
Dear Liza, dear Liza
Smooth the stone then dear Willie
You silly smooth the stone

With what shall I smooth it
Dear Liza, dear Liza
With water dear Willie
You silly with water

In what shall I carry it
Dear Liza, dear Liza
In a bucket dear Willie
You silly in a bucket

But there's a hole in my bucket
Dear Liza, dear Liza
Then mend it dear Willie
You silly mend it

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