Names start with Be
Beacan, Beacher, Beacon, Beagan, Beale, Beamer, Bean, Bear, Beasley, Beatus are some of the boy names starting with Be. Below is the list of boy names starting with Be. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Beacan | Tiny one. |
Beacher | From th beech tree. |
Beacon | Signal light. |
Beagan | Little one. |
Beale | Handsome. |
Beamer | Trumpet player. |
Bean | Bean farmer. |
Bear | Bear-like. |
Beasley | Grass clearing. |
Beatus | Blessed. |
Beau | Handsome, beautiful. |
Beauchamp | Beautiful field. |
Beauden | Hill shaped like a bow; Floor. |
Beauford | Beautiful fort. |
Beaufort | Beautiful fort. |
Beaumont | Beautiful mountain. |
Beauregard | Beautiful view. |
Beba | Baby. |
Becalel | In the shade of the lord. |
Becan | Little man. |
Beck | From the small stream. |
Becker | Baker; Lives by the Stream. |
Beckett | Bee hive. |
Beckham | Homestead by the stream. |
Beda | Commander. |
Bedagi | Big thunder. |
Bede | Saint of scholars. |
Bedevere | Birch man. |
Bedivere | Birch man. |
Bedo | Great lord or sea lord. |
Bedros | Stone. |
Beech | Beech tree. |
Beecher | Dweller by the beech tree. |
Beekman | Dweller by the stream. |
Beelzebub | Lord of the flies. |
Beeri | Belonging to a fountain; expounder; well. |
Behan | Bee. |
Behar | Summer. |
Behemoth | Beast; Extremely large or powerful entity. |
Behitha | Eagle child. |
Behnam | Reputable, honorable. |
Behramji | Victory over resistance. |
Beige | Pale yellowish-brown colour. |
Beil | Axe maker, lumberjack. |
Beinon | Son of an anvil. |
Beiwen | Comet, literature. |
Bel | Sacred wood. |
Bela | White. |
Belay | Superior. |
Belden | Beautiful valley. |
Belen | House of bread. |
Belenus | Brilliant and bright. |
Belial | Worthless. |
Belindo | Attractive. |
Belisario | Swordsman. |
Bell | Beautiful, Fine looking, gorgeous. |
Bellamy | Good friend. |
Bello | Beautiful, handsome. |
Beltran | Bright raven. |
Belvedere | Beautiful sight. |
Bem | Peace. |
Ben | Son of the right hand. |
Benaiah | The Lord has built. |
Benajah | |
Benard | Brave bear. |
Bence | Victorious. |
Bendek | Blessed. |
Bender | Bend, bow. |
Benedetto | Blessed. |
Benedict | Blessed. |
Benedicto | Blessed. |
Benedito | Blessed. |
Benek | Blessed. |
Benen | Mild. |
Benicio | Benevolent. |
Benigno | Friendly, kind. |
Benitez | Son of Benito. |
Benito | Blessed. |
Benja | Son of my right hand. |
Benjamin | Son of my right hand. |
Benjen | |
Benji | Son of my right hand. |
Benjy | Son of my right hand. |
Bennato | Benign; Friendly; Harmless; Wellborn. |
Bennet | Blessed, Happy. |
Bennett | Blessed. |
Benning | Blessed. |
Benniton | Blessed. |
Benno | Bear. |
Benny | Son of my right hand. |
Beno | Son. |
Benoît | Son. |
Benoni | Son of sorrow. |
Benson | Son of Benjamin/Benedict. |
Bente | Blessed. |
Bentlee | |
Bentley | From the Meadow of Grass. |
Bently | Clearing overgrown with bent grass. |
Benton | Town of bent grass. |
Bea, Beacon, Beagan, Bean, Beasley, Beata, Beate, Beatha, Beatrice, Beatrix are some of the girl names starting with Be. Below is the list of girl names starting with Be. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Bea | Blessed. |
Beacon | Signal light. |
Beagan | Little one. |
Bean | Bean farmer. |
Beasley | Grass clearing. |
Beata | Blessed. |
Beate | Happy. |
Beatha | Life; livelihood. |
Beatrice | Joy. |
Beatrix | Joy bringer. |
Beatriz | Joy bringer. |
Beau | Handsome, beautiful. |
Beaumont | Beautiful mountain. |
Beauty | Pretty. |
Beba | Baby. |
Bebe | Baby. |
Becca | Captivating, To bind. |
Bechan | Little one. |
Bechette | Little spade. |
Bechora | Eldest daughter. |
Becka | To forecast, allurement. |
Becker | Baker; Lives by the Stream. |
Becky | To forecast, allurement. |
Bede | Saint of scholars. |
Bedelia | Strength or exalted one. |
Beecher | Dweller by the beech tree. |
Beeja | The beginning; Happy. |
Begonia | Begon's flower. |
Begum | Princess. |
Behitha | Eagle child. |
Beibhinn | White; Fair lady. |
Beige | Pale yellowish-brown colour. |
Beil | Axe maker, lumberjack. |
Bel | Sacred wood. |
Belah | Beautiful. |
Belen | House of bread. |
Belgin | Clear. |
Belhonor | Beautiful honor. |
Belia | |
Belinay | Reflection of the moon on a lake. |
Belinda | Beautiful. |
Beline | Goddess. |
Belisma | Beautiful. |
Belita | Beautiful. |
Bell | Beautiful, Fine looking, gorgeous. |
Bella | Attractive. |
Bellachay | Beautiful hawk. |
Bellamy | Good friend. |
Bellatrix | Beautiful. |
Belle | Beauty. |
Bellezza | Beauty. |
Bellini | Beautiful. |
Bellona | Goddess of war. |
Belmida | Beauty. |
Beltran | Bright raven. |
Belva | Beautiful view. |
Bem | Peace. |
Bena | Pheasant. |
Bence | Victorious. |
Bender | Bend, bow. |
Benecia | Benevolent. |
Benedetta | Blessed. |
Benedicta | Blessed. |
Benedita | Blessed. |
Benicia | Benevolent. |
Benigna | Gentle, favorable. |
Benita | Blessed. |
Benitez | Son of Benito. |
Benjamina | Daughter of the right hand; Favored; Darling. |
Bennet | Blessed, Happy. |
Bennett | Blessed. |
Benning | Blessed. |
Benoite | Blessed. |
Bentlee | |
Bentley | From the Meadow of Grass. |
Beonica | |
Berdine | Short Form Of Bernardine. |
Beren | Smart, Strong. |
Berengaria | Bear spear. |
Berenice | She who brings victory. |
Beres | Birch Tree. |
Berezi | Special. |
Bergen | Lives on a hill. |
Berghild | Battle helper. |
Beril | Beryl Gemstone. |
Berit | Exalted, Lofty. |
Berkeley | Birch tree meadow. |
Berkley | Birch tree meadow. |
Berlin | Borderline. |
Berlinde | Gentle/Sweet Bear. |
Berlynn | |
Bern | Brave. |
Bernadette | Brave as a bear. |
Bernadine | Strong , brave bear. |
Bernal | Strong , brave bear. |
Bernarda | Brave as a bear. |
Berne | Strong , brave bear. |
Bernice | Victory. |
Bernique | Victory; Advisor. |
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