Names start with Co
Cobb, Coby, Cochise, Cochran, Cocoa, Cocohuay, Coda, Cody, Coe, Coel are some of the boy names starting with Co. Below is the list of boy names starting with Co. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Cobb | Lump. |
Coby | Supplanter. |
Cochise | Strength of an oak. |
Cochran | Red book, crimson. |
Cocoa | Powdered chocolate. |
Cocohuay | Turtle dove. |
Coda | Concluding section of music. |
Cody | Helpful. |
Coe | Jackdaw bird. |
Coel | Belief; trust; credit. |
Coen | bold advisor. |
Coeur | Heart. |
Coeus | |
Coffey | Victorious. |
Cohen | Priest, Father. |
Coilin | Young child; Peaceful dove. |
Colby | Coal town. |
Colden | Dark valley. |
Cole | Victory of the people. |
Coleman | Dove. |
Coleridge | Ridge where charcoal is burnt. |
Coleson | Son of Nicholas; Victory of the people. |
Coligny | |
Colin | Dimunitive form of Nicolas; People of victory. |
Collier | Coal miner or dealer. |
Collin | People of victory. |
Collins | People of victory, dark. |
Colm | Dove. |
Colman | Dove. |
Colon | Dove. |
Colorado | Red-coloured. |
Colson | |
Colston | From the coal town. |
Colt | Young horse. |
Colten | |
Colter | colt herder. |
Colton | From the coal town. |
Coltrane | Train of coal. |
Colum | Dove. |
Columba | Dove. |
Columbo | Dove. |
Columbus | Dove. |
Colwyn | A river in Wales. |
Combs | Lives near a small valley. |
Comet | The comet. |
Comiskey | Son of the powerful one. |
Como | |
Conaire | |
Conal | Strong as a wolf. |
Conall | Strong as a wolf. |
Conan | Intelligent. |
Conary | |
Confucius | Master. |
Coniraya | Fertility God. |
Conlan | Hero. |
Conleth | Chaste fire. |
Conley | Great chief. |
Connecticut | Beside the long river. |
Connell | Strong wolf. |
Connelly | Love; friendship. |
Conner | Descendent of hound, desire. |
Connery | |
Connie | Constant, steadfast. |
Connley | Great chief. |
Connolly | Fierce as a hound. |
Connor | Hunter. |
Conor | Wolf lover. |
Conrad | Bold counsel. |
Conrado | Bold counsel. |
Conroy | Detachment of troops. |
Constantijn | Constant. |
Constantin | Steadfast. |
Constantine | Constant, steadfast. |
Constantino | Constant, steady, faithful. |
Contreras | The opposite, contrast. |
Conway | Holy river. |
Conyers | |
Cook | Chef. |
Cookie | Sweet biscuit. |
Cooper | Barrel maker. |
Cope | Cape maker. |
Copeland | Bought land. |
Copper | A reddish brown mineral. |
Corban | Sacrifice to God. |
Corbeau | Crow,raven. |
Corbett | Raven. |
Corbin | Raven. |
Corbinian | Crow/raven. |
Corby | Raven. |
Corbyn | Raven. |
Corcoran | Purple. |
Cord | Bold counsel. |
Cordell | Cord or rope maker. |
Cordero | Lamb. |
Cordian | Of the heart. |
Cordova | |
Cordovan | Native of Cordova. |
Corduroy | Thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs. |
Corentine | Name of a Breton bishop. |
Coaxoch, Coby, Cocheta, Cochise, Cochran, Coco, Cocoa, Cocohuay, Coda, Cody are some of the girl names starting with Co. Below is the list of girl names starting with Co. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Coaxoch | Serpent flower. |
Coby | Supplanter. |
Cocheta | Unimaginable. |
Cochise | Strength of an oak. |
Cochran | Red book, crimson. |
Coco | Chocolate bean. |
Cocoa | Powdered chocolate. |
Cocohuay | Turtle dove. |
Coda | Concluding section of music. |
Cody | Helpful. |
Coe | Jackdaw bird. |
Coeur | Heart. |
Coffey | Victorious. |
Colandra | Swarthy, manly. |
Colby | Coal town. |
Coleka | Victory of the people. |
Coletta | |
Colette | Victory of the people. |
Coligny | |
Colina | Hill. |
Colissa | |
Colista | Most beautiful. |
Colleen | Girl. |
Colletta | Victory of the people. |
Collice | Combination Of Colleen And Alice. |
Collins | People of victory, dark. |
Colombe | Dove. |
Colombine | Dove. |
Colon | Dove. |
Colorado | Red-coloured. |
Colson | |
Coltrane | Train of coal. |
Columba | Dove. |
Columbia | Dove. |
Columbine | An aquilegia with long-spurred flowers, dove. |
Colwyn | A river in Wales. |
Combs | Lives near a small valley. |
Comfort | Comfort. |
Comiskey | Son of the powerful one. |
Como | |
Conary | |
Concepcion | Conception. |
Concetta | Conception. |
Concha | Shell. |
Conchita | |
Concordia | Harmony, peace. |
Condoleeza | |
Confucius | Master. |
Conleth | Chaste fire. |
Connecticut | Beside the long river. |
Connelly | Love; friendship. |
Connery | |
Connie | Constant, steadfast. |
Connolly | Fierce as a hound. |
Connor | Hunter. |
Consolata | Consoled. |
Consolation | Consolation. |
Constance | Constant, steadfast. |
Constantia | Constant; steadfast. |
Consuelo | Consolation. |
Content | Satisfied, happy. |
Contessa | Countess, royalty. |
Contreras | The opposite, contrast. |
Cook | Chef. |
Cookie | Sweet biscuit. |
Copacati | Lake goddess. |
Cope | Cape maker. |
Copeland | Bought land. |
Coquette | Flirty woman. |
Cora | Maiden. |
Coraima | |
Coral | Coral. |
Coralia | Like coral. |
Coralie | Little maiden. |
Coraline | Heart, maiden. |
Corazon | Heart. |
Corbeau | Crow,raven. |
Corbin | Raven. |
Corby | Raven. |
Corcoran | Purple. |
Cordelia | Heart. |
Cordis | Of the heart. |
Cordova | |
Corduroy | Thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs. |
Corentine | Name of a Breton bishop. |
Coretta | Little heart. |
Corey | Hollow. |
Coriander | The aromatic plant coriander. |
Corin | Spear. |
Corina | Maiden. |
Corine | Maiden. |
Corinna | Girl, maiden. |
Corinne | Maiden. |
Corinthia | From Corinth, Greece. |
Corisande | Chorus-singer. |
Corissa | Heart, maiden. |
Cork | Bark of oak tree. |
Corliss | Happy, carefree. |
Corneille | Horn player or maker. |
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- Names start with Co
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