Names start with Iv

Ivaan, Ivailo, Ivan, Ivano, Iver, Ives, Ivo, Ivory, Ivri, Ivrit are some of the boy names starting with Iv. Below is the list of boy names starting with Iv. Click the name to see the details.

IvaanThe Sun; Ruler; Royal; Gods gracious and glorious gift.
IvanGod is gracious.
IverYew wood; Archer.
IvesLand of heroes.
IvoYew, Archer, God is gracious.
IvoryPale or white.
IvriIsraeli/Hebrew Male.
IvritThe Hebrew language.

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Ivah, Ivana, Ivanka, Ivanna, Ives, Ivette, Ivi, Ivie, Ivonne, Ivory are some of the girl names starting with Iv. Below is the list of girl names starting with Iv. Click the name to see the details.

IvanaGod is gracious.
IvankaGod is gracious.
IvesLand of heroes.
IvetteYew, Archer.
IviIvy plant.
IvieIvy plant.
IvoryPale or white.
IvriaA Hebrew Woman.
IvyFlower, faithfulness.

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