Names start with Le
Le, Leafar, Leal, Leander, Leandro, Leavitt, LeBlanc, Ledger, Lee, Leedor are some of the boy names starting with Le. Below is the list of boy names starting with Le. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Le | Joy. |
Leafar | Rafael spelled backwards. |
Leal | Faithful. |
Leander | Lion man. |
Leandro | Lion man. |
Leavitt | Wolf cub. |
LeBlanc | Pale complected or white-haired. |
Ledger | Spear tribe. |
Lee | Field. |
Leedor | My generation. |
Leehu | He is mine. |
Leeor | My light. |
Leetov | Good fortune. |
Lefty | Nickname for left-handed. |
Legacy | An inheritance. |
Legend | History, story, myth. |
Legrand | Tall, large. |
Lehana | Refuses. |
Lehandro | Defender of the people. |
Leicester | From Leicester of England. |
Leif | Heir, blossoming trees. |
Leigh | Healer; delicate; weary; meadow or pasture. |
Leighton | Meadow settlement. |
Leinaala | Path of flower garlands. |
Lekeke | Ruler. |
Lel | Taker. |
Leland | Meadow land. |
Lelio | |
Lemar | The sea. |
Lemon | |
Lemuel | Devoted to God. |
Len | Lion, brave. |
Lencho | Lion. |
Lenn | Brave lion. |
Lennon | Very dear. |
Lennox | Elm grove. |
Lenny | Brave like a lion. |
Leo | Lion. |
Leofric | Beloved kingdom. |
Leolani | Heavenly woman. |
Leon | Lion. |
Leonard | Lion strength. |
Leonardo | Lion strength. |
Leonel | Lion-like. |
Leonid | Lion-like. |
Leonida | |
Leonidas | Lion. |
Leonitus | Lion-like. |
Leopold | Brave. |
Lerato | Song of my soul. |
Leriel | |
Leroy | A royal, morachial one who rules others. |
Les | Holly garden, walled-city. |
Lesharo | Chief. |
Leslie | A yard, a field of holiness. |
Lester | From the city of Leicester; from a legion camp. |
Lev | Lion, heart. |
Leven | Place of the flood. |
Levent | Handsome, tall. |
Leveon | |
Leverett | Young hare. |
Levi | Attached, joined. |
Leviticus | The Levites. |
Levon | Lion. |
Levron | From Vron, France. |
Levy | Attached, joined. |
Lew | Famed warrior. |
Lewis | Famous warrior. |
Lex | Warrior. |
Lexie | |
Lexington | Town of the new law. |
Lexis | Defender. |
Lexus | Helper, defender. |
Leyati | Shape of abalone shell. |
Lezane | Joy, God's gracious gift. |
Le, Lea, Leah, Leal, Leala, Leandra, Leane, Leann, Leanna, Leanne are some of the girl names starting with Le. Below is the list of girl names starting with Le. Click the name to see the details.
Name | Meaning |
Le | Joy. |
Lea | Weary. |
Leah | Weary; Delicate. |
Leal | Faithful. |
Leala | Faithful. |
Leandra | Lion. |
Leane | Shining light; the bright one. |
Leann | Shining light; the bright one. |
Leanna | Light; beautiful. |
Leanne | Shining light; the bright one. |
Leatrix | Weary, brings joy. |
Lebana | White. |
LeBlanc | Pale complected or white-haired. |
Lecea | Noble kind. |
Leda | Lady. |
Ledell | From the open valley. |
Lee | Field. |
Leeba | Beloved. |
Leehi | She is mine. |
Leela | Sport, play. |
Leena | Tender. |
Leeto | Hidden. |
Leeza | God is my oath. |
Lefteria | Free. |
Legacy | An inheritance. |
Lei | Flower bud. |
Leia | Child of Heaven; Heavenly flowers. |
Leigh | Healer; delicate; weary; meadow or pasture. |
Leigha | Delicate, meadow. |
Leighanna | Delicate, grace. |
Leighanne | Delicate, grace. |
Leighna | Torch, the ray of light. |
Leighton | Meadow settlement. |
Leiko | Little flower. |
Leila | Night beauty. |
Leilah | Night beauty. |
Leilani | A heavenly flower; Royal child of heaven. |
Leilany | Heavenly garland of flowers; Royal child. |
Leilexi | Child of the defender. |
Leimomi | String of pearls. |
Leinaala | Path of flower garlands. |
Leinani | Beautiful child. |
Leira | |
Lejane | God is gracious. |
Lekeke | Ruler. |
Lela | Lofty. |
Lelia | |
Len | Lion, brave. |
Lena | Torch, the ray of light. |
Lenci | Light. |
Leni | Light; Woman of Magdala. |
Lenka | Light. |
Lenmana | Flute player. |
Lennon | Very dear. |
Lennox | Elm grove. |
Lenny | Brave like a lion. |
Lenora | Light. |
Lenore | Light. |
Leola | Lioness. |
Leolani | Heavenly woman. |
Leoma | Lion. |
Leona | Lioness. |
Leonie | Lioness. |
Leonor | Light. |
Leonora | Light. |
Leonore | |
Leontien | Lion. |
Leontine | Lion-like. |
Leontyne | Lion. |
Leora | Light. |
Lequoia | The sequoia tree. |
Leryn | |
Les | Holly garden, walled-city. |
Lesa | God's promise. |
Lesia | Noble kin. |
Lesley | A yard, a field of holiness. |
Leslie | A yard, a field of holiness. |
Lesly | Garden of hollies. |
Leszcyna | The hazel tree. |
Lethia | Forgetful. |
Leticia | Joy. |
Letisha | Joy. |
Letitia | Joy. |
Leto | |
Lette | Joy, happiness. |
Leucosia | |
Leva | Moon, white. |
Levana | Moon, white. |
Leven | Place of the flood. |
Levia | Attached, joined. |
Levona | Tree, frankincense. |
Levron | From Vron, France. |
Lewa | Beautiful. |
Lex | Warrior. |
Lexi | Defender of mankind. |
Lexia | |
Lexie | |
Lexine | Defender of the people. |
Lexington | Town of the new law. |
See the names start with...
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- Names start with Le
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- Names start with Lj
- Names start with Lk
- Names start with Ll
- Names start with Lm
- Names start with Ln
- Names start with Lo
- Names start with Lp
- Names start with Lq
- Names start with Lr
- Names start with Ls
- Names start with Lt
- Names start with Lu
- Names start with Lv
- Names start with Lw
- Names start with Lx
- Names start with Ly
- Names start with Lz
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