
Boy Girl
shawn God is gracious.


Sean is a gender-neutral name and is of Irish origin. It can be used for both girls and boys. It means god is gracious. Though a unisex name, this name is trendier as a boy’s name than as a girl’s. Pronounced as shawn, the name is currently in the top 10 of NameChef Most Popular Baby Names and in the top 500 of U.S birth chart of the year 2023.

The name Sean is typically pronounced as "shawn" in English, especially in Ireland and the United States. However, in some regions, it may be pronounced as "shahn" or "sehn." Sean has been a consistently popular name in English-speaking countries, particularly in Ireland and the United States. It experienced a surge in popularity in the mid-20th century and has remained fairly common since then.




Sean can be used for both boys and girls.


shawn (Listen)



Popular Songs Related to Sean

The rank of Sean in the United States over time

Source: Social Security Administration

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