Characters with the radical 月

There are 34 Characters with the radical 月. Select the character to read more information about the character.

Chinese Character Strokes Hanyu Pinyin
8 fén、bān
13 huǎng
12 zhāo / cháo
㬿 16 dùn
9 fěi
10 hǒng
10 xiáo / jiāo
12 qí / qī / jī
8 ruǎn
11 hào
10 zhèn
11 juān
9 chǔn / qú / xù
9 líng
16 láo
11 lǎng
10 lǎng
20 lóng
11 míng
11 wàng
14 wàng
18 méng
8 péng
10 shuò
10 tiǎo / tiào
16 tóng
6 yǒu / yòu
4 yuè
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